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Perry Como -popzene korábbi évezredből

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1954-es epizód a Classic TV műsorán "A Perry Como Show" ( az a Perry Como, akinek felvételei még a mi rádiónkba is beszivárogtak. A tv-re mi még pár évet vártunk...) Mint az 50-es évek legtöbb élő TV showja valódi előadás felvétele volt.  (Dean Martin szokott gúnyolódni Comorol, nem mozdul a szája, miközben beszél, vagy énekel, de nem hiszem, hogy playback.) A szerzői jogokat nem újították meg. Magában foglalja Peggy Lee és az eredeti Chesterfield cigaretta reklámokat. 
( Kedvencem a harmadik filmecske, a Chesterfield. Dalok között játszik: Mitch Ayres Orchestra, a Fontane Sisters és Dick Stark csak szivja... IDEGENEK A PARADICSOMBAN.)

1954 episode of "The Perry Como Show" 

1954 episode of the Classic TV program "The Perry Como Show", with the Perry Como giving live performances of the hits of the day. As with most live TV shows of the 50's, The copyright was NOT renewed. Includes original commercials for Chesterfield cigarettes.

This movie is part of the collection: Classic TV

Production Company: CBS Television Network
Audio/Visual: sound, Black and White
Keywords: The Perry Como ShowClassic TVPerry ComoChesterfield cigarettes50's TV1950's TV;Fifties TV

Ogg Video
(56 MB)512Kb MPEG4
(57 MB)MPEG4

Episode of "The Perry Como Show" from 1952. This broadcast features Perry Como singing several relaxing 50's pop songs. As with most 50's Variety shows, This show was done live, and is now Public Domain.

This movie is part of the collection: Classic TV

Audio/Visual: sound, Black and White
Keywords: Perry ComoThe Perry Como Show50's Music1950's MusicTraditional Pop50's Pop Music;Pop MusicPublic Domain TVClassic TV

"A Perry Como Show" - 20/January/1954

512Kb MPEG4 
(68 MB)Ogg videó 
(89 MB),MPEG4

"The Perry Como Show" - 16/September/1953

This movie is part of the collection: Classic TV

Audio/Visual: sound
Keywords: The Perry Como ShowClassic TVPerry ComoChesterfield cigarettesDick StarkLive TV;CBS1953

512Kb MPEG4
(66 MB)Ogg Video
(89 MB)MPEG4

Surrender - Perry Como - 1946  Billboard Top 30 - 1946

This audio is part of the collection: Open Source Audio

Keywords: Surrender - Perry Como

VBR M3U (Hi-Fi)

Prisoner of Love - Perry Como - Billboard 1946  1946 Primer lista billboard

This audio is part of the collection: Open Source Audio

Keywords: Billboard 1946

VBR M3U (Hi-Fi)

Perry Como - Goodbye Sue 1944 Vdisc rip by grimriper2u@yahoo.com [item image]

This audio is part of the collection: 78 RPMs & Cylinder Recordings

Artist/Composer: Perry Como
Keywords: Big BandWW21940sradiootr
Creative Commons license: Public Domain

VBR M3U (Hi-Fi)   64Kbps M3U (Lo-Fi)

Perry Como and the Fontane Sisters - Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

78 RPM record GRINDING noises have been reduced by grimriper2u@yahoo.com

[item image]
This audio is part of the collection: Open Source Audio

Artist/Composer: Perry Como, Fontane Sisters
Keywords: Popular

VBR M3U (Hi-Fi)

Chesterfield Supper Club - 27/November/1949

Perry Como's guests are Patti Page and Victor Borge.

This movie is part of the collection: Classic TV

Audio/Visual: sound, color
Keywords: Classic TVNBC1940's TelevisionChesterfieldLive TelevisionKinescopePerry Como1949

512Kb MPEG4
(142 MB)Ogg Video
(190 MB)MPEG4


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